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7 Most Common JavaScript SEO Issues and How to Fix Them

19 May 2024
7 Most Common JavaScript SEO Issues and How to Fix Them

Using JavaScript presents a number of difficulties, particularly in terms of SEO. This is where JavaScript SEO comes into play; it aids in the diagnosis and resolution of JavaScript-related problems that may affect the search engine rankings of the website by developers and SEOs.

Compared to HTML websites, JavaScript websites need a distinct strategy for search engine optimization. Search engines like Google can easily crawl and index traditional HTML webpages. But when search engines try to crawl and index pages with JavaScript, they run into a number of rendering problems.

This tutorial will assist you in locating these rendering problems and provide instructions on how to resolve them.

Common JavaScript SEO Problems And Their Solutions

Issue 1 – Unavailability of Pre-rendered HTML

This is among the most frequent problems that arise. Pre-rendered HTML might cause problems for JavaScript SEO in the following ways.

  1. Pre-rendered HTML frequently struggles to provide current information and updates that are essential to your webpage.
  2. It has trouble interacting with dynamic and interactive material, which might result in a stagnant user experience and, ultimately, negate the whole point of JavaScript.
  3. Code maintenance is frequently made difficult when pre-rendered HTML is maintained using client-side scripting and server-side logic. Modifications to one may result in problems in another, necessitating constant monitoring.

When combined, these problems may make it difficult for search engines to index and crawl your webpage, which will lower your search engine results.

How to Fix it:

1. Proper Referencing: In order for search engines to index and crawl your pages as well as comprehend the organization of your website, HTML links must be referenced with tags and href attributes.

2. Inspect Pre-rendered HTML: To inspect the pre-rendered HTML, use a browser, developer tools, or other inspection tools. This will assist in finding discrepancies between the expected and pre-rendered content.

3. Performance Optimization: Reduce superfluous code, make use of caching strategies, and reduce picture size if pre-rendered HTML is sluggish.

Issue 2 – Inaccessible content cannot be crawled

Although we are aware of how crucial it is for a search engine to be able to render a URL, frequently a website contains elements that are not available to crawlers. This could happen as a result of broken internal links or missing Javascript information that search engines can’t access.

Typical causes

1. JavaScript errors – These errors typically involve basic syntax mistakes that complicate rendering by making it harder to read HTML elements, organize the content on your page, and comprehend how they relate to one another.

2. User Interaction: Content that needs user interaction (i.e., content that can be “clicked” on or that has dropdown menus or other options) cannot be rendered by Google. Such details, including the substance

How to Fix it:

1. Debugging JavaScript: Debugging helps find problems and mistakes. Make sure you are monitoring logs and console problems on a frequent basis. To find rendering inconsistencies, test the embedded JavaScript in several browsers.

2. Establish Logical Structure: Lay out a clear logical site structure to guarantee that user interaction has instructions.

3. Adding Structural Data: Including structural data on your homepage, like JSON-LD or microdata markup, is also beneficial because it gives your content more context and facilitates search engine crawling.

Issue 3 – Sections that can’t be crawled

Making sure that Google properly crawls your page is the only method to add it to a rendering queue.

Typical causes for your webpage’s inability to be crawled include:

1. Internal Links Cannot Be Crawled: If your site audits reveal orphan pages even though your site is well-linked, it’s likely because the internal links aren’t included in the pre-rendered HTML.

2. Outdated or nonexistent XML sitemap — When Google tries to render your pages, it becomes slower. Until Google has figured out your sitemap, a custom sitemap will make sure it doesn’t need to render pages, follow internal links, queue them, and repeat this procedure.

How to Fix it:

1. Monitor Often: Keep an eye on how well your website performs in search engine results. You can also use crawl data analysis to find problems with JavaScript-rendered content.

2. Adhere to SEO best practices: Content displayed with JavaScript should constantly adhere to and be updated with SEO best practices, such as the use of meaningful headings, titles, and meta descriptions. This will increase visibility and guarantee that your website may be crawled in all areas.

Issue 4 – Missing Internal Links

One of the biggest obstacles to crawlers finding and displaying your webpage in search engine results is missing internal links.

Typical causes

1. User involvement required to click on links As previously mentioned, connections that are inaccessible and incomplete can result from content that is concealed behind a user interaction tool.Because infinite page scrolling necessitates a user’s arrival at every page in order for the crawler to access all of the content on the page, it might also result in missing links. Because the internal links on each page load only once the user scrolls to that point, a crawler cannot access the links even if the JavaScript is shown.

2. Incorrectly coded Links: If the internal links on your page are not correctly coded, it indicates that the

How to Fix it:

1. Server-Side rendering (SSR) or Pre-rendering: Using SSR or pre-rendering techniques to generate HTML with links before putting them onto the webpage will ensure that these links are not inaccessible.

2. Alternative Content: Consider including noscript tags in your HTML which will provide alternative content for users who have JavaScript disabled or for when it’s not working effectively. This way you will be able to provide essential information and links without being caught in hidden links or errors – for both users and for search engine crawlers.

Issue 5 – Missing Metadata

Metadata in an HTML page consists of elements such as the heading, description, titles, and so on. SEO becomes difficult when metadata is missing since it cannot be presented correctly. The head is the most crucial component when it comes to indexation.

How to Fix it:

Search engines will now lose this opportunity to index and crawl your page. Watch out for the text field designated for meta descriptions in your content management system. If you are unable to access this, be careful to use headers and subheadings to appropriately describe the contents of the page.

Issue 6 – Uncrawlable Resources

Because script files and images have URLs, they must also be crawlable. Google won’t be able to render your webpage in its entirety if certain files are prevented from crawling.

How to Fix it:

1. Verify Robots.txt – Make sure that the robots.txt file on your website isn’t preventing Googlebot from accessing your javaScript. Googlebot needs to be able to access these resources in order to completely comprehend the content of your page.

2. Upload XML Sitemaps: Upload XML sitemaps to the Google search interface with links to your Javascript-enabled URLs. By doing this, you can make sure that Google can more efficiently find and crawl the resources on your page.



Issue 7 – Heavy Unoptimised Files

Google dislikes websites that take a long time to load, and page load speed is one of their ranking factors. Large Javascript codes can negatively impact a website’s performance if they are not optimized.

How to Fix it:

Large or big files will load more quickly thanks to server-side rendering (SSR), which might lessen layout alterations that detract from user experience.

How to Check if Your site has JavaScript-related Issues?

Use these 5 tools:

1. Google Search Console: Provides information about how Google indexes and crawls your website, including any problems with JavaScript.

2. Lighthouse: This Chrome addon analyzes the SEO, accessibility, and performance of websites while pointing out issues with JavaScript.

3. Chrome DevTool: This tool has features to analyze SEO, accessibility, and site speed, including JavaScript concerns. One such function is the “Audits” panel.

4. SEO Crawlers: These programs search your website to find SEO problems and JavaScript-rendered content (e.g., Screaming Frog SEO Spider, Sitebulb).

5. Structured Data Testing Tool: This tool makes that Google properly interprets structured data created with JavaScript, such as Schema.org markup, for search engine optimization.

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    October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Don’t Let JavaScript Drag Down Your SEO!

    Although a website created with JavaScript provides an engaging and dynamic user experience, search engine optimization (SEO) may face difficulties. Here’s where recommended practices for JavaScript SEO come into play!

    Our team of technical specialists can locate and resolve any common SEO JavaScript problems covered in this blog post. We’ll make sure your website is optimized for search engines, crawlable, and indexable, which will raise your rankings and draw in more natural traffic.

    Get in touch with us for a free consultation to find out how our JavaScript SEO services may improve the functionality and performance of your website.

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