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Software Development

Agile vs Lean: Which Methodology is the right approach for You?

15 May 2024
Agile vs Lean: Which Methodology is the right approach for You?

Still, you have presumably encountered terms like spare and nimble relatively constantly, If you have been exploring ultramodern design operation styles. While they ’re frequently mentioned together, it’s essential to understand that they’re distinct methodologies.

So, What’s the difference between spare and nimble or their parallels? How to know when to use one or the other? We have got you covered!

Let’s get started!

Agile vs Lean: A Brief History

nimble and spare methodologies both surfaced as responses to the limitations of traditional operation practices, but they’ve distinct origins and focuses.


The spare methodology began in the manufacturing sector with the Toyota Production System in Japan during themid-20th century. It focuses on barring waste, optimizing processes, perfecting inflow, and driving effectiveness. spare principles were latterly acclimated for colorful diligence, including software development, emphasizing value creation through effective workflows.


With the release of the Agile Manifesto in the early 2000s, the software industry gave rise to agile development. It was created by a team of software engineers who prioritized adaptability, user input, and iterative development in an effort to enhance the development process. Agile work practices emphasize flexibility, teamwork, and frequent revisions of the product. Examples of these practices are Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming (XP).

Both approaches seek to enhance customer happiness and produce better products, but they do it from distinct perspectives: efficiency is the focus of one methodology, while adaptability is the focus of the other.

Agile Methodology and Development

Agile methodology uses iterative processes to create projects efficiently.

In nimble design operation, a large design is broken down into shorter parts called sprints, generally lasting 2- 4 weeks. At the end of each sprint, the platoon reviews progress, gathers feedback, and makes necessary advancements for the coming sprint, fostering nonstop improvement.

The Agile Manifes to standardizes this approach with 12 crucial principles, emphasizing client satisfaction through early and frequent delivery of precious software. It encourages conforming to changing conditions, indeed late in development, to give guests a competitive edge. nimble values close collaboration between business stakeholders and inventors, promotes a probative terrain for motivated brigades, and prioritizes face- to- face communication.

The key to Agile is delivering functional software snappily and constantly, which is the primary index of progress. It supports sustainable development by maintaining a steady work pace, urges ongoing attention to specialized excellence, and values simplicity. Benefits of nimble methodology arise from tone- organizing brigades and stress the significance of regular tone- assessment to ameliorate effectiveness.

Lean Methodology and Development

spare Software Development focuses on streamlining the development process by barring waste, where “ waste ” refers to any rudiments that don’t add value, similar as hamstrung practices or redundant attestation. Its core thing is to enhance customer value while minimizing pitfalls.

Firstly developed for manufacturing, spare principles have been effectively acclimated to colorful fields, including software development.

The seven crucial principles of spare design operation are:-

  • Eliminate Waste
  • Amplify Learning
  • Decide as Late as Possible
  • Deliver as Fast as Possible
  • Empower the Team
  • Build Integrity In
  • See the Whole

Similarities Between Agile and Lean

Both Agile and Lean methodologies aim to ameliorate the effectiveness and effectiveness of development processes. They partake several core principles

  • Eliminating Waste: They place a high value on being able to react swiftly and efficiently to modifications and criticism.
  • Continuous Improvement: Iterative methods, which aim to continuously improve both the final result and the working approach, are heavily emphasized.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: They place a high value on being able to react swiftly and efficiently to modifications and criticism.
  • Customer Focus: Both approaches support a strong customer focus, guaranteeing that the final product offers the consumer the most value possible.

Agile vs Lean: The Difference Between Lean and Agile

Agile and Lean have similar fundamental ideas, although they are not the same in application or focus:

1. Scope of Application

  • Agile: Agile approaches are mostly intended for software development projects, wherein self-organizing and cross-functional teams collaborate to evolve requirements and solutions. Agile is frequently chosen in settings where creativity, quickness, and adaptability are essential because of its exceptional adaptability to shifting project scopes.
  • Lean: Although lean ideas have been applied to software development (Lean Software Development), manufacturing is where they originated and where they are most commonly used. The lean methodology seeks to maximize resource utilization and reduce waste in order to improve process efficiencies across a range of sectors. Lean is popular in industries ranging from healthcare to automotive manufacture because of its wide application.

2. Role of Planning

Agile: Agile planning is iterative and dynamic. Teams can react swiftly to changes when they plan in brief cycles, or sprints. By ensuring that the development process is in line with the demands of the market and actual customer needs, this iterative planning facilitates more flexible adaptation to changes.

Lean: On the other hand, Lean places more emphasis on long-term efficiency gains through the analysis and planning of process flows to cut down on bottlenecks and cycle durations. Although Lean also permits flexibility, its planning is primarily concerned with establishing a seamless and continuous workflow, which occasionally necessitates substantial initial setup and preparation in order to establish an ideal steady state.

3. Feedback Loops

Agile: Through rapid iterations and product releases, agile approaches include user feedback into the development process. As a result, teams may develop quickly on the basis of actual user experiences, increasing the relevance of the product and customer pleasure.

Lean: In order to find inefficiencies and get rid of waste, lean focuses on internal process feedback. Customer feedback is valuable, but in order to offer value more quickly and consistently, the focus is primarily on improving process efficiencies and throughput times. Lean identifies and gets rid of production process flaws, overproduction, and delays using methods like value stream mapping.

Organizations can more effectively select the approach that best suits their unique operational requirements and strategic objectives by being aware of these differences.

Choosing Between Agile and Lean

It’s critical to comprehend the unique qualities of Agile and Lean approaches and how each can best meet the demands and circumstances of your project while choosing between them:

Use Agile if:

  • Flexibility is required: Ideal for projects with evolving requirements.
  • Customer feedback is crucial: Facilitates regular and close interaction with customers.
  • Scope may change: Adapts well to shifting project scopes.

Use Lean if:

  • Efficiency is a priority: Focuses on reducing waste and optimizing resources.
  • Continuous delivery is desired: Supports steady and incremental delivery of value.
  • Process optimization is needed: Aims to streamline and improve processes continuously.

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