. Top 10 Software Development Outsourcing Trends for 2024
Software Development

Top 10 Software Development Outsourcing Trends for 2024

1 April 2024
Top 10 Software Development Outsourcing Trends for 2024

The practice of outsourcing IT is becoming more and more widespread, and it is changing organizations all over the world. The Gartner report states that global IT spending, which reached $3.8 trillion in 2019 and is predicted to rise further in the years to come. Simultaneously, Statista projected that the worldwide outsourcing sector would generate $92.5 billion in sales in 2019 and anticipated a sharp increase in 2021.

These people represent the boundless promise of developing technologies. Most firms have already adopted the inevitable digital transformation in response to all the current advances. All sizes of ventures are monitoring the trends in software development outsourcing.

The global market is being shaped by outsourcing, which is also changing how businesses view their own progress and presenting previously unheard-of chances. Because of this, we have identified ten trends in software development outsourcing for the extraordinary year 2021. So prepare ready for all the publicity that will help your business.

What to Anticipate in year 2020

1. The Emergence of Boutique Software Firms with Narrow Specializations

Divergent views exist: some claim they would rather work with a single outsourced provider. Some assert that they benefit from having several vendors.

Nevertheless, the data indicates that an increasing number of enterprises are in need of narrowly specialized businesses. The rapidly changing tech industry is the cause of this trend. It is not feasible to have an internal staff with all the necessary abilities and ability to keep up with the daily innovations that emerge.

Businesses seek out outsourcing partners that can deliver the highest caliber of work, and working with several vendors is not an issue as long as the intended outcomes are realized. However, a big outsourcing business will also have a significant advantage of being a fantastic vendor to build solid, open partnerships if it provides full-cycle software development with a broad staff of talented specialists.

2. Consumers Will Demand AI and IoT-Enhanced Experiences

Our everyday lives have long been impacted by online purchasing. Furthermore, Forbes reports that the COVID-19 pandemic has made online shopping the new normal, with even the 65+ age group indicating that they want to make more purchases online than they did offline. Businesses are investing more in improved User Experience (UX) due to the growing demand for better online shopping experience. When customers have a good experience, they are probably going to spend 140% more.

AI and IoT-powered technologies will improve e-commerce by providing a more customized client experience. When giving clients the necessary direction and assistance, AI-powered chatbots are already taking the place of human contacts.

85% of customers, according to the Gartner survey, will place orders for goods or services without speaking to a person. Eighty percent of consumers like businesses that provide a tailored customer experience over those that don’t.

By delivering real-time data, obtaining statistics to personalize communication, and identifying equipment issues, IoT will be one way to increase customer happiness.

3. There Is a Lot of Demand for Blockchain Services

By 2023, it is expected that global blockchain expenditures would total $16 billion yearly.

As a result, they were incorporating it into the IT outsourcing plan and making it one of the top trends. Across the creation of smart contracts and instantaneous microtransactions, distributed ledger technology has demonstrated its ability to improve security, transparency, and provide creative ways for companies to raise capital.

The need for experienced individuals is growing along with the demand for competent and adept blockchain services. Professionals with expertise in blockchain are still in scarce supply these days.

For this reason, a variety of sectors—including financial institutions and private enterprises—are looking to contract with organizations that have a strong team of blockchain specialists.

Employers are vying for top talent because of the shortage of blockchain experts and the growing need for it.

4. The Increasing Requirement for Enhanced Cybersecurity

The most precious resource nowadays is data. Nothing new has happened. But for this reason, it has never been more important to safeguard it than it is now.

As cybercrime increases, more businesses will be spending money to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). All data must currently be properly safeguarded.

particularly when hacks target governmental entities. Owners of websites, whether they are small family businesses or IT companies, will receive outreach offers for outsourced cybersecurity services to allay security worries, protect their company’s data, and comply with GDPR regulations.

5. The Global Cloud Computing Market is Exploding

Numerous sources, including Gartner research, anticipate that the need for cloud computing will only increase. According to the projections, cloud shift spending will be close to $1 trillion worldwide.

As the amount of data that has to be kept grows, businesses will look to external providers for efficient cloud platforms. Security services will also be required, which will lead to the necessity for cloud outsourcing services. The number of public cloud platforms for data storage is already rising.

6. The Fintech, Healthcare, and Telecom Sectors Will See Major Digitization

Outsourcing trends follow emerging technologies that have an impact on particular industries.

Fintech, healthcare, and telecom companies in particular will have a strong demand for the outsourcing services required for their digital transformation.

In the Fintech sector, AI, Blockchain, and peer-to-peer transactions will establish a new standard. In order to expand the capabilities of diagnosis, healthcare organizations—both public and private—will simultaneously look to outsource VR services supported by AI.

Not to mention how the telecom sector will be affected by the 5G network, which will create previously unheard-of chances for large-scale links to IoT networks.


7. Growing the Eastern and Central European IT Outsourcing Hub

While the need to reduce costs had a major impact on the demand for outsourcing services a few years ago, in 2021 businesses will continue to prioritize quality over lower rates.

This would drive research into Eastern and Central Europe as outsourcing locations instead of China and India due to their favorable climate.

Poland and Ukraine are quickly becoming as desirable locations for seasoned offshore development teams to collaborate.

High-quality services, highly skilled teams, and reasonably priced products are the driving forces behind the development market’s expansion in Eastern and Central Europe.



8. The AR and VR Markets Are Exploding in Growth

The AR market is projected to reach $133.78 by 2021. As smartphones become more widely available, there is a corresponding rise in the need for AR and VR solutions.

AR technology are anticipated to enhance the shopping experience. The interactive nature of augmented reality is exemplified by the recent release of Pokemon Go. These technologies will keep making their way into the travel, e-learning, manufacturing, and other industries.

Even though the AR and VR markets are still developing, businesses are searching for outsourcing services to add interactive features to increase sales. Big businesses like Apple and Mercedes have already started using these technology.

9. The Robotic Process Automation Buzz

Fewer human errors, better task coordination, and lower operating expenses are just a few benefits of the recently popular RPA technology.

The top goal in the dynamic digital world is business automation. RPA technology will help with payment processing, logistics management, and providing a more individualized experience.

Bots and virtual assistants are merely the beginning of what will eventually replace humans in doing repetitive and menial tasks. For this reason, business automation and enhanced analytics are receiving a lot of attention from IT outsourcing businesses.


10. A Growing Call for Progressive Web Applications

PWA is becoming more and more necessary as the need for a better user experience grows. Their purpose is to make websites feel more like applications.

The initial wave was Google’s hostility over the website lacking a mobile version. The second wave consists of the actual consumers, who will not accept a website with a poor user experience. Because of this, enterprises will look to outsourcing providers to use PWA and meet the growing needs of their customers.

Why Are Trends in IT Outsourcing Growing So Quickly?

We currently live in a rapidly expanding technological environment. Businesses that wish to stay ahead of the curve are already devoting time and resources to digital transformation.

Even yet, there are a number of difficulties. Among these is how quickly innovations are made. While even large organizations with well-trained teams find it impossible to keep up with the pace and desperately need outsourcing experts, smaller businesses are also unable to adapt to all the changes brought about by digital technology without the help of an outsourcing team.

We did not use the term “teams” by accident. In fact, forming strategic alliances with several vendors is one of the most important trends in software development outsourcing. Businesses are forced to hire experts on a contract basis due to a lack of available personnel.

Nevertheless, despite establishing ties with multiple outsourcing firms, there has been and will continue to be a substantial change in these connections.

The increased need for outsourced assistance will increase the transparency and interpersonal aspect of these partnerships. Moreover, value is becoming more important to businesses than cost reduction.

It will therefore be standard procedure to work with several vendors, each of whom specializes in a certain set of services.

In conclusion, organizations will be searching for outsourcing partners to share risks and jointly create better value in 2020 in order to stay up to date with the times and achieve quality requirements. At Intellectsoft, we provide businesses and their employees with innovative, game-changing solutions and data-driven insights. Are you and your company prepared to change perspectives and capitalize on innovations?

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